
Articles for Students

If you’re a student who wants to improve American English reading and listening skills, we offer articles with audio recordings for you to read and listen along to increase your academic skills. Studies show that when you read, listen, and write about what you read and hear, you learn and you retain much better.

Click here to access our articles:

  1. How to Be Successful in School (Article 1)
  2. How to Be Successful in School (Article 2)
  3. How to Be Successful in School (Article 3)
  4. How to Be Successful in School (Article 4)
  5. How to Be Successful in School (Article 5)
  6. How to Be Successful in School (Article 6)
  7. How to Be Successful in School (Article 7)
  8. How to Be Successful in School (Article 8)
  9. How to Be Successful in School (Article 9)
  10. How to Be Successful in School (Article 10)
  11. How to Have a Healthy Life (Article 1)
  12. How to Have a Healthy Life (Article 2)
  13. How to Have a Healthy Life (Article 3)
  14. How to Have a Healthy Life (Article 4)
  15. How to Have a Healthy Life (Article 5)
  16. How to Have a Healthy Life (Article 6)
  17. How to Have a Healthy Life (Article 7)
  18. How to Have a Healthy Life (Article 8)
  19. How to Have a Healthy Life (Article 9)
  20. How to Have a Healthy Life (Article 10)
  21. How to Have a Healthy Life (Article 11)
  22. How to Have a Healthy Life (Article 12)
  23. How to Have a Healthy Life (Article 13)
  24. The Best Way to Accomplish Your Learning Goals in American English
  25. The power of learning English with a teacher – tips, tricks, advice from top instructors
  26. Learning English Online: The Best Way to Stay ahead of the Curve
  27. How to Use Online Video Programs to Improve Your English Skills
  28. How to Make Your English Speaking Skills Improved – Learn how to improve your communication skills so that you sound more confident and competent in American English.

Tips for how to be successful in school:

— There is no single answer to this question as success in school depends on a variety of individual factors. However, some general tips that may help include studying regularly and effectively, participating in class, and seeking help when needed. It is also important to have a positive attitude and stay motivated, especially when faced with challenges.

— There is no one answer to this question as success in school depends on a variety of individual factors. However, some general tips to help achieve success in school include setting goals, studying regularly, seeking help when needed, and maintaining a positive attitude. Additionally, it is important to be aware of the different types of learners and adapt one’s studying and learning strategies accordingly. For example, some students learn best through visual aids while others prefer hands-on learning.

— There is no one answer to this question as success in school depends on the individual and their unique circumstances. However, some general tips to be successful in school include setting goals, studying regularly, and forming a study group. It is also important to be organized and to develop a good work ethic. In order to succeed academically, it is important to be motivated and have a positive attitude.

— There is no one answer to this question, as success in school depends on a variety of factors including individual effort, ability, and motivation. However, some general tips that may help include studying regularly and effectively, focusing on coursework and homework, and seeking help when needed. Additionally, keeping a positive attitude, being organized, and setting achievable goals are all important keys to success in school.

Tips on how to have a healthy life:

— There are many different ways to have a healthy life. One way is to exercise regularly, eat a balanced diet, and get enough sleep. Another way is to manage stress levels, avoid risky behaviors, and practice self-care.

— There is no single answer to this question as different people have different needs and preferences. However, some general tips that may lead to a healthy life include eating a balanced diet, getting regular exercise, and getting enough sleep. Additionally, it is important to manage stress levels and to find ways to relax and de-stress. Some people find that practices like yoga or meditation help them to achieve this, while others may prefer more passive methods such as reading or listening to music.

— There is no one answer to this question as there are many different ways to have a healthy life. However, some important things to keep in mind include eating a balanced and healthy diet, getting enough exercise, and avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol consumption. Additionally, it is important to get regular checkups from a doctor and to stay informed about health issues that may affect you.

— There is no one answer to this question as different people have different needs and preferences for how to live a healthy life. However, some general tips that are often recommended include eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, getting enough sleep, and avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol consumption. Additionally, stress management techniques can be helpful in maintaining good health, as can cultivating positive relationships with family and friends.

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